Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Funny Japanese Soda Drink Ad

The ad is so funny, it shows people that a tiny young girl ran toward the big lemon, she faced and squeezed the lemon,then the lemon turned in to the lemon soda drink, like magic.The lemon screams when you hug it,plus the sound it makes funny, I like this commercial just because it is funny.The ad is attractive and creative, and after I saw this ad, I will buy this soda drink too.It is said that the technique of Japan of hugging lemons until turn into lemon it is a difficult technique.The only thing is that the ad is not reliable because the lemon is very big,however you hug and squeeze the lemon, it will not turn into a soda drink.


  1. Do you think this type of ad would work in the U.S.? Or is the culture too different to understand the message?

  2. I think this type of ad may not work in the U.S. bacuase of the culture different and language problem, but the idea is creative and good.
